
ISO 9001

ISO9001 UNIS GroupQuality is very important to UNIS Group. By introducing ISO 9001 UNIS Group makes sure that all operational processes are continuously improved. The aim is to ensure that customers are satisfied with our service. We measure customer satisfaction every day by means of surveys. Our customer’s comments and suggestions help us to improve the quality of the service.  Certificate ISO 9001

ISO 14001

ISO14001 UNIS GroupUNIS Group regards its environmental policy – as well as its management of health, safety and welfare – as forming an integral part of its overall business operations aimed at continuously improving its environmental performance. UNIS Group sets out to maximally prevent or reduce the (potential) impact of its operational activities. Certificate ISO 14001

OHSAS 18001

A UNIS Group dá prioridade à saúde e segurança dos seus funcionários e, como tal, orgulha-se de possuir a certificação ISO 45001. A ISO 45001 dita os requisitos do nosso sistema de gestão de segurança e saúde e garante que somos capazes de criar um ambiente de trabalho seguro, fazer melhorias contínuas nas condições de trabalho e reduzir os riscos no local de trabalho.Certificate ISO 45001